The holiday season was here. Television was filled with a Charlie Brown’s a Big Pumpkin… Hallmark Channel had begun their holiday run almost three weeks ago… American Football season was full-fledged. This was fun because Jim and Mathew enjoyed the games. It was one of these get together’s where Jennifer and Mathew’s kids had gotten into a fight, and Terry decided to mediate. Jennifer watched Terry handle both boys, and saw that she was really handling both kids well. Jennifer was happy, Terry was going to be a great mom.

The doctors’ appointments became more frequent, now it was once a week. Both families were excited because the baby was due soon. Jennifer’s contact with Omega was becoming daily they were very good at caring about her. Terry and Jim had been researching names for the baby. If the baby was a girl, they would name her Anne, and if it was a boy, they would name him Gilbert. Both Terry’s and Jim’s parents were going to be flying in for the birth. Thanksgiving was coming close, and it was time to cook. Thanksgiving Dinner was going to be held at Terry and Jim’s.

Jennifer was getting bigger every day. There were times where she just did not want to get out of bed. She was fortunate to have her Omega Surrogate Liaison there for her, whenever she needed someone to talk too. If it were for her, she would just bridge on the Hallmark Movie channel and squeeze some football in-between and that was it. She was beginning to crave alcohol. Something she knew she could not have. Mathew had pledged abstinence to alcohol while she was pregnant, in a sign of solidarity, but Jennifer had told him that she didn’t mind that he did not hold off.

The hospital bag was ready, it was placed in a handy spot at the door that lead to the garage. Jim had found a great article on the Baby Center web-site about what should be included in the bag. Jennifer always rechecked and rechecked the bag, she knew that in a blink-of-an-eye one of the boys could have taken something out of there, and used to it play. She just wanted to have the baby. It was time.

Thanksgiving passed, the kids’ Christmas show at school was going to be in a week and the belly kept growing. Both families set up their trees, decorated their houses with lights, and attended the local Christmas Carol show. It was a great place to be. It was outdoors, so it was cold. The kids, as well as adults, were well bundled up. Jennifer no so much because she was extremely warm. Due to her pregnancy, she was constantly hot, so being in the cold crisp holiday air, was very welcoming. Like the show as coming to an end, Jennifer’s water broke.

They all rushed to the hospital, and thanks to the fact that they were sitting in place for expectant mothers, the exit was not as crowded and their arrival to the hospital was timely. Terry, Jim, Mathew and the boys were all at the hospital. Mathew’s parents came to pick up the children, as it was dinner time, followed by bedtime, leaving the adults alone at the hospital.

Jennifer had agreed with Terry and Jim that she wanted Mathew to be in the hospital room with here. This is why Mathew had arranged for his parents to pick up the boys so that he could be with his wife. Jim and Terry were in the waiting room, praying that everything would go smoothly. Labor lasted about 6 hours, and baby Anne was born. Mathew was at Jennifer’s side. Baby Anne was received by Jennifer and she took it to nursing. This had been part of the arrangement. Jennifer would provide breast milk as long as it lasted for baby Anne, and they would also complement with formula.

baby foot

Once Baby Anne had finished eating, she was taken to her parents, Jim and Tracy. The moment the nurse came out with baby Anne and placed her in Terry’s arms, they felt peace. They felt complete. Baby Anne had Jim’s eyes, Terry’s mouth, and grandpa’s chin. Baby Anne looked at them both, gave them what they considered a smile, and fell asleep.

Christmas came about, and now there was a baby in the family. Although Jim, Terry and Baby Anne had kept to themselves, they were still communicating. Baby Anne’s grandparents stayed through Christmas, enjoying every one of baby Anne’s waking moments.

Terry and Jim’s life had changed for the better. They now had someone else to think about, they were not as involved with the community as they once had been because their time was consumed by Baby Anne. They now had to go to the pediatrician’s office and out to run errands with their baby girl. They now began to realize how many public places do not have clean and designated places to change your baby… they now saw life through a Parent’s eyes, and for that, they were blessed.

Time passed and baby Anne became Mathew and Jennifer’s sons’ friends. The relationship between them felt like family. It lasted much longer than both the pregnancy and the Surrogacy process. Tim and Mathew continued getting together for football, and Terry and Jennifer got together with the kids.

To our Surrogate
You have brought us a Miracle, given us our Anne.
You have given us the gift of family, everything has gone as planned.
We are now, not only a family of three, but we have you all as well.
We are blessed to have you in our family, and together we will have stories to tell.

This was what it was all about, Bringing Family Moments to Life.