Using a Chart to Determine Your BMI

If you use search engines you can find multiple definitions of BMI or Body Mass Index.   BMI is a measurement of a person’s body fat, calculated using height and weight.

BMI Chart

Some people feel self-conscious when they find out their BMI  However, doctors use it to determine the desired weight to become pregnant. Women who have a high BMI may be fit and have a very easy pregnancy.  Doctors have found that complications arise with either high or low BMI.  Becoming pregnant easily increases when BMI is between 25.5 to 30.

Getting Pregnant

If a woman’s BMI does not fall between 25.5 to 30, will she not get pregnant? No, but it will be harder for her to become pregnant. If she does, it will also increase the chance of a high-risk pregnancy.

Risks Associated With High BMI

According to the Diabetes Research Institute, diabetes is a condition in which the system releasing sugar and glucose into the body to provide it with energy does not work.  During pregnancy, women with higher BMI frequently develop gestational diabetes.  This condition usually only lasts during the pregnancy, and does not mean that the woman will have diabetes after giving birth. However, the greater frequency of gestational diabetes in women with higher BMI is one to be aware of.

blood pressure and surrogacy

Women may suffer from blood pressure issues if their BMI is either high or low.  A high BMI could double the probability of preeclampsia, which can cause early birth. Obviously, premature birth creates conditions that directly affect the baby.

Birthing Risks for Those With High BMI

The moment when the baby is born is one of the most heartwarming and special experiences in life.  When the carrier’s BMI is high, there are risks of miscarriage, stillbirth, and complicated labor. Doctors may prefer to perform a C-Section to reduce birthing complications. There is also a risk of the surrogate or mother hemorrhaging and having anesthesia complications as well.

Guide to Becoming a Surrogate eBook

Having a Healthy Surrogate Baby

For any pregnancy, the most important thing is the well-being of the child and the carrier.  The gift of being able to have a child is not granted to everyone.  It’s very important to protect the woman who carries a child, but she must do her part as well.  She contributes by leading a healthy lifestyle and generating optimal conditions for her pregnancy and the baby’s development.  Having a healthy BMI does not mean that the pregnancy will be risk-free, but it increases the odds of an easier pregnancy.

Omega Family Global cares for the well-being of their amazing surrogates and works with women who meet the requirements to ensure a fantastic surrogacy journey, for her, the baby, and the intended parents.

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